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Despite the fact that their headline writer…

… can’t spell Harvard, Gawker’s got a useful update on the Harvard killing. Excerpts:

… The chief suspect, Jabrai Jordan Copney, who was arrested in New York yesterday, was visiting two unidentified female Harvard students who also knew Cosby — who was not a Harvard student. Copney allegedly made the trip to Cambridge with the intent of robbing Cosby of drugs and cash, and the Harvard girls were “the nexus” between the two men.

The facts that have emerged so far have given way to a swirl of rumors that Cosby was a major supplier to three of the schools Final Clubs, which are their so-called “secret” societies. [“Huh?” said Mr UD, a Harvard grad, when I asked him. “Never heard them called that.”] And since he was visiting the unidentified girl with a pound of pot there is speculation that she was one of his campus distributors.

… [T]he girls could have just been personal-use buyers, and Cosby could just have carried around way too much pot for his own good when he went out on calls. Either way, it looks like some nice Harvard girls started hanging out with some bad boys…

Why assume all Harvard girls are nice? What’s that mean, anyway? That they don’t buy and smoke and maybe sell dope?

UD reminds you about the nice Hofstra girl engaged, apparently, in the trade there.  Many of the news items about Adi Stern called her a man.  I guess everyone has trouble realizing that women commit crimes.

Margaret Soltan, May 22, 2009 2:12PM
Posted in: guns

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8 Responses to “Despite the fact that their headline writer…”

  1. Cassandra Says:

    … [T]he girls could have just been personal-use buyers, and Cosby could just have carried around way too much pot for his own good when he went out on calls. Either way, it looks like some nice Harvard girls started hanging out with some bad boys…

    Um…I am betting the writer either never took a class in journalism, or else got pity Cs at a lackluster school.

    That is the most obnoxiously sexist piece of crap I have read in quite some time.

    It might have been a poor attempt at sarcasm though.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I think it was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

  3. Susan Says:

    Is it that girls can’t be criminal? or Harvard students?

  4. Brett Says:

    I hope those nice Harvard girls weren’t using my nice tax dollars for financial aid, but if they were, I would hope some nice Harvard administrator boots them out on their nice stupid behinds.

  5. David Says:

    Adi Stern? The GanGsTa’s moll? I remember her.

    "Either way, it looks like some nice Harvard girls started hanging out with some bad boys…"

    Is that the sexist part?

    Some kid from Salem State is murdered in the venerable Kirkland Hall and the PC Poh-lice are getting in a twist about sexism?

  6. Cassandra Says:


    If I wept at the consequences of every drug deal gone bad…well, I’d be very dehydrated.

    But the sad state of what passes for journalism today is something correctable and worthy of comment.

    Then again, I have no wistful faux-nostalgia for the sanctity of Harvard’s "venerable Kirkland Hall," as you so melodramatically put it.

    Perhaps the blood on the pavement has left you incapable of comprehending the cultural impact of reportage that makes unfounded assumptions about "some nice Harvard girls [who] started hanging out with some bad boys" who, incidentally, may have aided and abetted a homicide.

    What makes this little bit of rhetoric irritating is that, despite your oh-so-lovely condescending and dismissive reference to "the PC Poh-lice," too many people still seem stunned that women can be just as violent, aggressive, or prone to felonious behavior as men. (Don’t think so? Go research some popular reports about girl gangs.) That you seem to think a comment pointing this out is simply some Feminazi diatribe that distracts from the MALE who died says a bit more about you than you realize.

    Does that connect the dots for you?

    Now, if you’ll pardon me, I must away to my bower to cry miles of tears based on information gathered from that paragon of journalism called gawker.com.

  7. Mr Punch Says:

    Mr UD is right: No "secret societies" at Harvard — that’s the basis on which national fraternities were banned many decades ago.

  8. David Says:

    The Connections of Dots

    The drug deal. I’m not concerned about the drugs or the money. It’s the murder and the refusal to release the ID’s of the women that I have a problem with. I don’t want to see this story spiked to protect the reps of some Harvard kids.

    "Venerable Kirkland Hall" was a phrase used in one of the first articles from The Crimson. That was not my melodrama. I used the phrase as sarcasm.

    Violence and the Ladies. That is not stunning to me. Some of the nastiest fights I have ever seen were girl fights.

    Feminazi? That’s the Limbaugh thing? Not for me.

    Gawker. I did read at the New York Post that the shooter is the son of a retired cop. Media like the Post and Gawker aren’t afraid to print stuff that a ….venerable…paper like the NYT wouldn’t. I’m interested in the class aspect of this story.

    Bower. I never heard of that. Thanks for using it. I’m more of an
    anchoress man myself.


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