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Gunman, Princeton University.

UD’s friend Alan Allport emails her that he’s locked into a classroom at the moment.  There’s a report of a gunman on the Princeton campus.

I’ll keep you updated.


Update: Alan now writes to say it’s over.  But it’s not clear whether that’s because nothing happened, or because the gunman has been captured.

The AP hasn’t yet reported that it’s over.


Update:  From Alan:  “The word down at the Wawa is that it was a kid – possibly a student – with a toy or replica gun. Not clear whether he had any kind of harmful intent or whether someone simply saw him and freaked out.”



Update:  Kids.  Toy gun.

Margaret Soltan, June 3, 2009 10:36AM
Posted in: Sport

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5 Responses to “Gunman, Princeton University.”

  1. Alan Allport Says:

    I can hear a helicopter nearby, and I’m sure the campus is buzzing, but it does indeed appear to be all over – if indeed there ever was a genuine threat. I’m off for lunch outside now – I’ll let you know if there’s anything interesting going on outside.

  2. Alan Allport Says:

    The word down at the Wawa is that it was a kid – possibly a student – with a toy or replica gun. Not clear whether he had any kind of harmful intent or whether someone simply saw him and freaked out. There are a lot of students moving out of dorms today, so perhaps it was seen in someone’s cart? Anyway, I’m sure the journos in the broadcast news choppers buzzing above campus are quietly disappointed that the story turned out to be a non-story …

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Thanks, Alan.

  4. Polish Peter Says:

    Many of the local high school kids cut class on the day after Princeton commencement to go through the piles of rubbish that the departing students leave in the hopes of finding half-empty bottles of vodka and other desirable commodities that seniors don’t want to load into the family minivan. One found a toy gun and stuck it in his waistband before the person who called in the alarm could see the orange tip on the barrel. He then tossed it away down by the Wawa and continued to forage, unaware that he’d just paralyzed the campus. The news helicopters showed up just as the all clear sounded and departed just as quickly once they realized there there would be no juicy story.

  5. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Thanks for those details, Peter.

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