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Domestic Bliss, UD-Style

It’s 3:58 on a dreary afternoon. UD, fighting a cold, is in bed drinking tea and eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Next to her, La Kid, visiting the old folks for the weekend, is asleep with her glasses still on and her right hand still holding Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol open to page forty.

The bad news is that La Kid loves Dan Brown. The good news is that she’s taking The Lost Symbol out of UD‘s house forever.

In the living room, Mr UD lies asleep on the couch, a legal pad resting on his chest. At his feet sleeps the dog.

Ecoute. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Margaret Soltan, September 26, 2009 3:06PM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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6 Responses to “Domestic Bliss, UD-Style”

  1. francofou Says:

    Lose the tea. 18-year-old Bowmore, neat.
    You won’t care about Dan any more.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Here I go, francofou, Googling Bowmore. Liquor, I guess… Let’s see…

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Ah, “Bowmore is a gentle whisky, only a little peat is used in malting and some claim that its geographical situation on the island gives it a balance between the intense malts of the southern shores and the subtler ones of the north.”

  4. Dom Says:

    To feel even better, put the whisky in the tea. (But don’t do that with an aged single malt, please.)

    To feel worse, read Dan Brown’s rewrite of Absalom, Absalom!The Of Mississippi Code.

  5. francofou Says:

    Good, good…

    I am told this is too short. What’s wrong with brevity, I ask you.

  6. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Just read the rewrite: FUNNY.

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