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PowerPoint Pissoff in Saskatchewan

A student writes in the University of Saskatchewan newspaper:

… Think about what you’re paying for each class. In Term 2 there are approximately 24 lectures per course. With the course costing approximately $600 and the text at, oh say $100, that’s nearly $30 per class. For about an hour long lecture, is it really worth the money? For 30 bucks you could go see two movies … and even get snacks for each! Even if one of the movies sucks, you’re still getting more entertainment value than a prof reading some PowerPoint slides.

Oh, sure, sure, but school isn’t about entertainment. It’s about learning and education. Let’s not lie to ourselves; there’s not much of that going on. So if we aren’t learning we should at least be entertained. And as fun as it is watching documentaries when the prof is too lazy to give a lecture; it’s just not worth the moolah…

Margaret Soltan, January 10, 2010 3:40AM
Posted in: powerpoint pissoff

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6 Responses to “PowerPoint Pissoff in Saskatchewan”

  1. RJO Says:

    Sounds like the anti-college, which was also in Canada.

  2. Shane Street Says:

    What is your take on this, exactly, UD? Because on the face of it this is the dumbest comment on higher education (or the PPT farrago) you’ve linked to.

    This is one of those students who shouldn’t be in college.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I think that, like a lot of students who write for campus papers, this guy says some stupid stuff and says some smart stuff. In the statements I’ve quoted, he is absolutely correct to be angry as he reflects on an expensive education pissed away watching movies or watching some guy read off of a slide.

  4. Shane Street Says:

    I beg to differ. This writer indicates there ain’t much educatin’ goin’ on (those lousy professors!) and what is going on is insufficiently entertaining, on a cost basis.

    Pampered, entitled, narcissistic: flush.

  5. david foster Says:

    “With the money we spend here they should have a job lined up for us upon exit, but we just get a kick in the pants and begin a long, difficult job hunt”….and this is a guy who lectures professors about the “real world?”

  6. Isaac Says:

    I attend the University of Saskatchewan. The article you have linked to has the beginnings of a point to make, but what he says about professors is just asinine.

    I have liked all the professors I have had in my 3+ years. But even if I hadn’t, I don’t want them to “entertain” me like some sort of juggling clown.

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