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Professor Goes on World Tour

Usually students miss more lectures than their professors, but in week five of the spring 2010 term, Eric Hudson, popular instructor of 8.02: Electricity & Magnetism, would have given chronic class-skippers competition.

“I think I’ve been gone five of the last seven weeks or something,” he said with a light chuckle, seeming awed at that fraction himself. “It’s really been terrible,” he said.

Hudson found out this past December that he did not receive tenure. In those weeks away from MIT, he had been in England, Sweden, and the country of Georgia interviewing for a new post as professor…

Margaret Soltan, June 12, 2010 9:50AM
Posted in: professors

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6 Responses to “Professor Goes on World Tour”

  1. francofou Says:

    Don’t forget that faculty members are most often *rewarded* for missing classes.

  2. Dave Stone Says:

    What are they gonna do, fire him?

  3. Polish Peter Says:

    On the curriculum committee, we were baffled by a proposed syllabus that listed “OOT” on a number of dates in the term. We eventually determined that this stood for “out of town”.

  4. cheddar Says:

    Everyone knows that OOT should be called “reading day” on the syllabus! Or “library day.”

  5. Bill Gleason Says:

    The really embarrassing thing is that when you go out of town and get your grad student or post-doc to cover, then in the evaluations it is always noted how much better a job than you the substitute did…

  6. Jonathan Says:

    I wonder why he bothered to show up the other two weeks.

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