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Farcically Hypocritical Athletics Director…

… seems to have been fired. Sometimes a person behaves too repellently even for the University of Georgia.

Margaret Soltan, July 4, 2010 7:42AM
Posted in: sport

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4 Responses to “Farcically Hypocritical Athletics Director…”

  1. GTWMA Says:

    AD, not coach, UD. Coaches are WAY too important to be fired for simple adultery and DUI.

  2. Alan Jacobs Says:

    “He also had a pair of red panties between his legs.”

    Good writing is in the details, isn’t it?

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Yikes. Getting sloppy in my old age. Thanks, GTWMA.

  4. Winfield J. Abbe Says:

    Everyone knows he will not be allowed to continue in his position. The devil is in the details which will likely remain secret forever. Mr. Evans will likely be rewarded for bad behavior, with payments of the order of millions of dollars, while others like the former Journalism Dean and professor Dr. Renee Kaswan, who invented a billion dollar drug which cured the disease of dry eye in both animals and humans, received the shaft from this same so called university. UGA is a corrupt cesspool along with the corrupt and secret UGA Athletic Assn that must be sent off campus to continue its dirty deeds in secret with all its millions of dollars.
    Who in their right mind believes Evans is going to remain in his job? This institution runs on public relations and the art of fooling people.
    They learned well from their teacher in Germany Dr. Joseph Paul Goebbels who wrote the book on propaganda. That is why they are so “successful” if you can call it that, because most of the 10 million citizens of Georgia have no say and no knowledge of their true sordid activities of this cesspool organization behind closed doors. This group is entirely stacked with friends and cronies guaranteed not to rock the boat, not with randomly chosen citizens who might provide some ethical considerations at the table.
    Adams attended a bible college in Tennessee. He left any ethical principles he learned or honored there at that school if he learned or ever had any at all.
    Most ordinary citizens are losing their jobs, homes and going on welfare with little hope for the future. Mr. Evans will likely get glowing recommendations for a new job somewhere, all done in secret. And you can be sure the incident report of the State Patrol Officer won’t be posted permanently on the UGA Athletics Department website for all to read and view forever as they onesidedly brag about everything else favorable to them.. If you want a copy, get it now before it is deleted forever. Tom Jackson, their chief propagandist, likely provided this information to them.
    We need to get back to “business as usual” at the plant which makes meaningless and worthless time wasting likely fixed football entertainment for so much money and doesn’t even pay any rent or taxes to the owners providing the offices to them on state property.
    It was just announced this afternoon in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, that lawyer Edward Tolley for the UGAA had come to a secret agreement with Evans to be announced tomorrow July 5, 2010. He said Evans was on his way to Boston and couldn’t be interviewed. One can be sure mum is the word with this agreement.
    Do any of you know how much money Tolley charges per hour not just on a Sunday but on July 4? $ 4,000-5,000 per hour? Everybody’s wheels get greased when you have plenty of millions of dollars outside of any citizen control. This guarantees silence.
    “The great masses of the people….will more easily fall victims to a big lie than a small one.” Adolph Hitler.
    The lies begin when the propaganda news conference is held and after the UGAA has rubber stamped the deal paying millions to Evans for his bad behavior but guaranteeing his silence forever. So much for ethics in “higher education”. This is a perfect example of how commercial sports entertainment corrupts colleges and universities and why it must be abolished forever.
    Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

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