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UD’s August Giant Puffball Mushroom Harvest

Margaret Soltan, August 24, 2010 9:38AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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6 Responses to “UD’s August Giant Puffball Mushroom Harvest”

  1. Michael Tinkler Says:

    Eeeek! When I read the earlier entry I had NO IDEA how big those were. No wonder your forager-neighbor will be able to make something out of it. I was thinking of the things we always called puff balls, which were about the size of a golf ball.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    They’re enormous, Michael. And I have to admit that looking at them on that table for the last couple of days, I’m getting a little nauseous.

  3. theprofessor Says:

    Our campus puffball-like thingies collapse after two days into a malodorous pool of slime, appearing and smelling exactly like the consequences of four too many beers. It drives the admin crazy.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    tp: I’ve been reading up on this. The thing to do is take a gun or a baseball bat and shatter the thing into a million billion BILLION spores. It makes this huge blast of smoke when you do it. You’re supposed to wear a mask. People swear by it.

    And I read — can’t remember the exact statistic, but I read that each giant puffball has enough spores to cover the entire universe and then some.

  5. University Diaries » Insta-Wasp Blogging Says:

    […] the Pratts own a strip of woods next to UD‘s house. From these woods each August UD harvests giant puffball mushrooms. The same woods hold the graciously rotting branches of immense trees that have, over many years, […]

  6. University Diaries » Snapshots from Home Says:

    […] what else scratch and eat away at the mushrooms as they enlarge) – and they get enormous (this is some of last year’s crop) – I’d like to keep taking pictures, to chronicle the […]

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