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Mountain Lion Shot Three Blocks Away from the Berkeley Campus

“Where there are deer, mountain lions [are] not far behind.”

A California Department of Fish and Game spokesperson explains why the animal was in an urban area.


Deer are so numerous and so bold in UD‘s backyard — and front yard — that she’s begun throwing deck chairs in their direction. Only this seems to produce enough noise and violence to keep them in the back part of her woods. They are like grazing cows, quite domesticated, and indifferent to our presence.

Will there eventually be mountain lions in Garrett Park, UD‘s town?

Margaret Soltan, September 2, 2010 12:44PM
Posted in: guns, snapshots from home

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12 Responses to “Mountain Lion Shot Three Blocks Away from the Berkeley Campus”

  1. rustonite Says:

    in that part of the country, more likely coyotes.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Oh, we’ve got coyotes, rustonite…

  3. Michael Tinkler Says:

    They’re on their way! I have a friend with a cabin between Binghamton and Scranton who has pictures of the mountain lion in her front yard….

  4. theprofessor Says:

    The same nuts who feed deer in their backyards will now be buying giant kitty-litter boxes to help the poor mountain lions adjust to suburban life.

  5. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Just got in from walking the dog, tp; as we headed up the backyard hill, the deer that sleep there staggered awake. I mean, we woke them up. They seemed annoyed.

  6. dave.s. Says:

    Campus shmampus! Who cares? That’s a block from Peet’s!

  7. Margaret Soltan Says:

    dave s.: lol

  8. Tobe Says:

    Was it free range mountain lion?

  9. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Tobe: lol

  10. wayward Says:

    Does this mean the mountain lion did not have tenure at Berkeley?

  11. Margaret Soltan Says:

    There’s some pun in here about tenure tracking, wayward, but I’m not completely on top of it yet.

  12. dave.s. Says:

    That mountain lion is memorialized. The Berkeley legend lives!

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