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The author of the most-cited paper by a British mathematical scientist in the 1980’s…

… (title: On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures), has died.

… Although [Julian] Besag was a leading figure in a notoriously complex field, he was himself highly averse to all forms of pomposity…

… Besag was a passionate man who was demanding of both colleagues and himself. He was a keen hockey player, devoted to Northop Hall hockey club, and once trialled for the Welsh national team. After moving to Seattle he loved to sail, voyaging single-handed through Puget Sound and beyond, even after kidney failure required him to undertake a punishing regime of self-dialysis…

Margaret Soltan, September 9, 2010 12:38PM
Posted in: professors

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4 Responses to “The author of the most-cited paper by a British mathematical scientist in the 1980’s…”

  1. Jim Says:

    “Apart from the houseboat in which he lived, and his sailing boat moored alongside, he owned three other boats, including the one in his bath.” Brilliant!

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jim: Yes – Why didn’t I put that in the post? It’s wonderful.

  3. david foster Says:

    “Although [Julian] Besag was a leading figure in a notoriously complex field, he was himself highly averse to all forms of pomposity”…not sure why working in a complex field would make one pompous, anyhow…my observation is that the pompous people are often those whose activities are actually pretty simple but don’t want to admit it..

  4. Brad Says:

    It’s disappointing to find out that “dirty pictures,” as best as I can tell, refers to unclear images. It could refer to photos rated G all the way to NC-17, but I think he only studied G.

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