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“How does a taxpayer-funded university with an athletic department that relies on general university funds and mandatory student fees justify giving Hart $300,000 to leave?”

Answer: It doesn’t.

Margaret Soltan, September 24, 2010 11:05AM
Posted in: sport

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4 Responses to ““How does a taxpayer-funded university with an athletic department that relies on general university funds and mandatory student fees justify giving Hart $300,000 to leave?””

  1. Eric the Read Says:

    The sad thing is, my first reaction was, “Only $300k? How’d they get rid of him so cheaply?”

  2. Eric the Read Says:

    Then, of course, I read the article, and found out Hart was a her. Oops….

  3. GTWMA Says:

    trying to earn its nickname, “Eeewie-Pooey” I guess.

  4. theprofessor Says:

    OK, but the lack of an attempt to bullshit us with some high-minded baloney IS refreshing, isn’t it?

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