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The idiocy of…

… rural life.

Margaret Soltan, January 6, 2011 8:30PM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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7 Responses to “The idiocy of…”

  1. Jeff Says:

    This sounds like it is from the Onion: ““I’m always walking around with ideas,” she said. “It would be fun to do some of those.””

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jeff: Yes. A lot of it sounds like the Onion (Area Woman Offended for the Fourth Time in One Day).

  3. theprofessor Says:


    This reminds me of the city council of a certain college town that spent over one year debating the appearance of newspaper vending boxes and whether the companies should be forced to conceal the metal sides with tasteful wood veneer. This was followed by a particularly nasty six month debate over the size of US flags flown by local businesses.

  4. Mr Punch Says:

    With names like Marina DeLune and Karin Spitfire, poetry seems to be in the air in Camden.

  5. A J Says:

    Hey, I’m a rustic and I like living out in the sticks, whether this makes me an idiot I’ll leave to the discretion of the reader.

    The comments on that article were priceless and some one submitted a link that seemed to explain the situation more in depth. Methinks the dear poet was perhaps a might thin-skinned. Where’s Ezra Pound when you really need him?

  6. Margaret Soltan Says:

    A J: I’m glad you mentioned the hilarious comment thread on the article. I loved it too.

  7. GTWMA Says:

    I don’t think that sort of idiocy is confined to rural life. I’ve seen idiocy in all shapes and sizes in metropolitan areas, too.

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