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Idaho has no medical school…

… and very few doctors. This fact, reported by the Spokesman-Review, inspires some speculation in the comment thread – as to why.

Even if we build a medical school, why would those doctors want to stay in Idaho? We won’t adequately fund K-12 or college education for those doctors’ children, we won’t provide the kind of social services they can find in other states, and we’ve got religious and political zealots running the state government. What “cream of the crop” doctor would want to run a practice in Idaho?


You know, you’re right. In fact, I’m surprised ANYONE can stand living in Idaho, when it’s full of inbred, toothless fascists running around, burning books, stealing from the poor and looting the environment so the entire state looks like a barren moonscape. This really is the worst place on Earth. If Obama only accomplishes one more thing during his term, maybe he could revoke Idaho’s statehood.


Doctors move to cities for the economics and the lifestyle. Given the choice of 9-5 in a burb treating nice people vs pulling buckshot out of an Aryan’s bum at midnight, which would you choose?


Buckshot out of an Aryan’s bum at midnight. There’s poetry in that.

Margaret Soltan, January 26, 2011 4:49PM
Posted in: march of science

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4 Responses to “Idaho has no medical school…”

  1. MattF Says:

    Since you mention Idaho, I’ll contribute this “My Childhood in Northern Idaho” link:


  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Thanks MattF! Laugh out loud funny.

  3. University Diaries » Idaho has no medical school… | World Medical School Says:

    […] this article: University Diaries » Idaho has no medical school… This entry was posted in Medical School and tagged adequately-fund, college-education, idaho, […]

  4. Polish Peter Says:

    Actually, a look at the comments reveals that “you know, you’re right” above is sarcasm directed at the writer of the comment above it, at which the author of the first comment took umbrage as a fifth-generation Idahoan. Although only a single anecdotal data point, when my daughter went on a six-week driving odyssey to explore the U.S. after graduating from Famous Women’s College, the people who uniformly treated her (and her friend, who happens to be African-American) the nicest were the people in Idaho.

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