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“After initially aspiring to be a stockbroker or golf pro, List says he was drawn to a career in academia after noticing economics professors on the golf course almost daily and wondering how he could emulate their lifestyle.”

How John List decided to become a professor.

Margaret Soltan, February 23, 2011 10:26AM
Posted in: professors

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3 Responses to ““After initially aspiring to be a stockbroker or golf pro, List says he was drawn to a career in academia after noticing economics professors on the golf course almost daily and wondering how he could emulate their lifestyle.””

  1. bfa Says:

    List is everything that’s wrong with the economics profession. His experiments are flashy, unrigorous, bias-confirming nonsense that border on unethical.

  2. ricki Says:

    Again: I must be doing this professorial thing wrong. The exercise I get (aside from taking classes out to do field sampling), I have to get up at 4:30 am to do. (Because that’s the only time of day I can be sure some “special meeting” or other “need” on my time won’t crop up.)

  3. GTWMA Says:

    I’m an economist, but I don’t golf. If I take up the game, will I become a better economist?

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