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Readers have asked me what it’s like to follow big time sports at American universities as closely as I do.

Imagine vomiting forever.

Someone, whether it’s George Blaney, Tim Tolokan, his family, somebody who loves and cares about [University of Connecticut basketball coach Jim Calhoun] has got to tell him to extend this any longer will do the state’s flagship university no good. This no longer can be a case where the coach lifts his leg, squirts on the NCAA like it is a fire hydrant and shrugs at a complicated rulebook.

Kelvin Sampson at Indiana, Bruce Pearl at Tennessee, Butch Davis at North Carolina, schools will go to great lengths to protect valuable investments. So what UConn did in backing Calhoun isn’t shocking, although the hundreds of thousands in legal costs are.

… [The illegally recruited student] was expelled from the school — over the coach’s strenuous objections — after allegations [he] had abused a female student and violated a restraining order 16 minutes after receiving it. [The student] played no games…

Margaret Soltan, February 23, 2011 8:04AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Readers have asked me what it’s like to follow big time sports at American universities as closely as I do.”

  1. quiescere Says:

    Imagine vomiting forever.
    Most effective use of three words I’ve seen all week (a week that has included David Foster Wallace and Shakespeare, even). Thank you.
    (Can you axe the first iteration of this? The typo will gnaw at me.)

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    quiescere: Many thanks.

    I’ve axed the first iteration.

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