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“I am but mad North-Northwestern: when the wind is southerly I know a fuck from a fucksaw.”

Students at UD’s alma mater study motorized sex toys.

Margaret Soltan, March 4, 2011 7:45AM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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4 Responses to ““I am but mad North-Northwestern: when the wind is southerly I know a fuck from a fucksaw.””

  1. Jonathan Freedman Says:

    As an alumnus from the ’70s, when everyone was getting laid regularly except for me, all I can say is–why didn’t they have a course like this when I was a student? Actually, they sorta did, there was a guy named Peter Michelson who taught a course in the aesthetics of pornography for which he was fired….

  2. Jonathan Freedman Says:

    And then of course there was the huge Alfred-Appel-gets-a-pie-in-the-face controversy. Still small potatoes.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Well, we DID have streaking. I got some glimpses of naked people that way.

  4. DM Says:

    That, and the risqué remarks from the sociology seminars I attended last week.
    I now get the impression that teaching computer science is NOT the way for having all the fun.

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