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Annie Le’s Murderer Admits To It

Le, a Yale graduate student, was strangled by a lab technician during the course of a “work dispute.” The technician has, since the murder two years ago, maintained his innocence; but with his trial looming he has admitted the crime.

Margaret Soltan, March 15, 2011 5:55PM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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2 Responses to “Annie Le’s Murderer Admits To It”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Poor woman.

    What always puzzled me about this story, though, was what a bad job the lab tech did cleaning up after his murder. You’d think he’d know all about the cameras, contamination, blood splatter, disinfectants, etc.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    After-murder behavior is often quite odd, it seems. Look at mad Amy Bishop after she strafed the conference room… And in this case, the Yale case, I think despite his sanitation knowledge, he must have been semi-hysterical – not having expected, that morning, to strangle someone, and not knowing how much private time he had to dispose of the body and evidence. I think the mess he left reflects his hysteria.

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