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Girls! Girls! Girls!

A colleague of UD‘s named Turley
Wants one boy to have many girlies.
“My thing on polygamy
Makes UD quite sick of me,
And even my wife has turned surly.”

Margaret Soltan, July 13, 2011 6:23AM
Posted in: limericks, professors

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3 Responses to “Girls! Girls! Girls!”

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    Academics refuse to retire
    From the jobs that we deeply desire.
    That’s why it’s so slick of me
    To plump for polygamy:
    That thirteen-for-one spousal hire.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Good one, Dave.

  3. DM Says:

    Question: what counts as polygamy? In France, what is prohibited is multiple marriages at the same time, but nothing prevents a man and several women (or more complex combinations) to live in cohabitation and have sexual activities.

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