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UD has returned to the land of the living…

… and wants to say two things:

1. Your comments and emails – and poems! – have cheered her up immensely. Thank you.

2. When doctors want to show you affection, they squeeze your toes. UD finds this custom adorable.

More later.

Margaret Soltan, August 14, 2011 7:08AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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5 Responses to “UD has returned to the land of the living…”

  1. John Murray Says:

    Hooray! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  2. adam Says:

    Praise the Lord!

  3. Jeremy Bangs Says:

    Welcome back – hope the trip was beneficial if not enjoyable.

  4. tony grafton Says:

    Great to have you back! Hope the morphine was a good vintage and, more seriously, that you’re recovering quickly.

  5. Kathy Crowell Says:

    Hello Jeremy,

    I trust you are well as I sense the e-mail to you. I don’t have a direct e-mail address for you which I understand and I hope this gets to you.

    Many years ago I approached you with regard with your e-mail entry regarding Jamesbrook in County Cork.

    In spite of your busy schedule, you sent me quite specific data re: Goold.

    I just wanted you to know that your kind offer has yielded the following submitted to the Cork Archive Institute:

    2005/4. Goold in Ireland. Family History. Kathleen Goold Crowell, Ph.D.

    1299-1799 1 printed document (180pp). Contains a compilation of facts concerning the Gould/Goold family name in Ireland 1299-1799. Contains transcripts and extracts from original sources, such as deeds and wills. Some information relates to medieval and early modern Cork City.

    Actually is was entitled Gould/Goold and it contains an index of a multitude of people with surnames other than Goold. Howwever, I am thankful otherwise. You are acknowledged numerous times in this manuscript.

    I cannot thank you enough for your passion for history and for you just taking the time to get the data to me. It was invaluable.

    I just wanted you to know that I am going into the second phase of my project which involves a detailed account of the Jamesbrook, Midleton, County Cork estate which was part of our family history from my adopted father’s heritage. It goes back much farther than the ordnance survey data on Goold-Adams of Jamesville. This also involves the conveyance of my family spoon which dates back to ca. 1830, which has a history in itself because the Goold history in Ireland goes much farther back, actually prior to 1185 under King Henry II.

    If you recall, you mentioned William Penn, atty., son of Sir William Penn who purchased land from Thomas Goold in Cork. I know you are well aware that this was William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. As a result of pursuing this data you sent, I have secured data on the creation of the Masons in the west portion of Ireland, 2nd to Dublin. Our Walter Goold served as senior warden in 1726 and Penn’s grandson was also involved. It must have been an incredible period.

    I just wanted to say hello and to tell you how deeply indebted I am for your taking the time to do what you did.

    With gratitude,

    Kathy Crowell

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