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“Hope and enthusiasm are soaring here. But not test scores.”

A lengthy, thoughtful account of the expensive, destructive, technology revolution in our schools.

Margaret Soltan, September 3, 2011 6:00PM
Posted in: technolust

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One Response to ““Hope and enthusiasm are soaring here. But not test scores.””

  1. david foster Says:

    Karen Cator, education technology director for the department of education (formerly with Apple) said ““Test scores are the same, but look at all the other things students are doing: learning to use the Internet to research, learning to organize their work, learning to use professional writing tools, learning to collaborate with others.”

    Just to pick on one of these points: the idea that “collaboration” is something that is new (or at least far more important) with the rise of Internet technology is frequently asserted. Could anyone seriously believe that the Hoover Dam and the Empire State Building and the Liberty Ships and the Atlas missile were created without collaboration?

    I may have linked this here before, but the comments of Michael Schrage…an individual who knows far more about computer technology and its applications than the typical education-bureaucracy expert…are well worth reading: sparkly tools.

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