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“[T]echnological and competitive pressures will excellerate changes once thought to be impossible.”

UD had to look at excellerate for awhile… Think about it…

Since it isn’t a word, she found no definition for it. The inventive Urban Dictionary has a definition for excelerate

To succeed at something so quickly you excelerate.

– which gets at the brilliance of the mistake. It’s actually a portmanteau – “a blend of two … words or morphemes into one new word.” To excel; and to accelerate.

Anyway, it’s a word a commenter uses after a Wall Street Journal article updates us on the wretched thing that is law school now. Very few jobs. Applications way down.

Makes UC Irvine and – even more – U Mass look terribly clever. Taxpayers in these states get to subsidize these bright new law schools.

Margaret Soltan, October 1, 2011 5:40AM
Posted in: headline of the day

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One Response to ““[T]echnological and competitive pressures will excellerate changes once thought to be impossible.””

  1. Stephen Karlson Says:

    There are portmanteaus. There are Sniglets. And there are malapropisms. Discuss.

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