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Sickening story out of Penn State.

Who knows how much of it had to do with efforts to protect the reputation of a storied sports program?

Whatever the motives, Penn State’s athletic director and vice president for finance will turn themselves in to the authorities on Monday. Both are charged with perjury and failure to report in a sex scandal involving the football team’s former defensive coordinator.

For fifteen years, Jerry Sandusky was a “a sexual predator who used his position within the university and community to repeatedly prey on young boys.” The charge is that the other men knew about it but did nothing, and then lied about their knowledge of it to a grand jury. Did they protect Sandusky because he was “closely identified with the school’s reputation as a defensive powerhouse and a program that produced top-quality linebackers”?

UD thanks David.


UPDATE: “We all make little mistakes in our lives.”

Title of Sandusky’s autobiography: Touched.


The legend of Penn State’s Sandusky
Is beginning to smell rather musky.
Their glorious coach
Is a bit of a roach.
Not to mention a bit of a putzsky.

Margaret Soltan, November 5, 2011 11:28AM
Posted in: limericks, sport

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One Response to “Sickening story out of Penn State.”

  1. GTWMA Says:

    If you have not read the GJ report, it’s very disturbing.


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