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Insta-Autumn Blogging

Location: Edge of living room, sliding door open to large forested backyard.

My Condition: Sitting on a black-cushioned futon footrest, laptop balanced on my chilly knees. My lower back hurts from too much raking over the last week, plus a too-long hike on the C&O Canal last weekend.

Time: 6:30 in the morning.

What I See: A mist-shrouded world. Huge colorful trees leaning into each other in the mist. Leaves swirling off limbs. In front of a black butterfly chair, a gray-green weather vane. Our gray wooden deck. On a small garden table, a black Japanese lantern. A stone birdbath.

What I Hear: Not the hoot owl I heard last night. Small birds, whistling from every corner of the ghostly stage. The tinkling sound of leaf touch-downs. Morning trains coming from West Virginia into the city.

What I Feel: Cold. Happy.

Margaret Soltan, November 10, 2011 6:46AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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3 Responses to “Insta-Autumn Blogging”

  1. the professor Says:

    “sliding door open to large forested backyard”

    You may be saying “Hi deer” instead of “Hi Dear” to Mr. UD if you’re not careful.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I know. I was amazed that during my ten minutes or so sitting there no deer appeared.

  3. dmf Says:

    But for a woodpecker
    tapping at a post, no sound
    at all in the house


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