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Penn State’s financial exposure in the sex-abuse case could be in the tens of millions of dollars.

Margaret Soltan, November 10, 2011 8:42AM
Posted in: sport

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4 Responses to “Ka-ching.”

  1. Michael Tinkler Says:

    Now THAT’S a firing offense!

  2. AJ Says:

    I’ll be surprised if there’a anything left of the university when this is all said and done. Penn lacks the ways and means, as well as the 2,000 year tradition, of the Catholic Church to weather the shitstorm. Currently, however, the most troubling aspect of this real-time meltdown is the utter silence on the part of the NCAA.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    AJ: I had the very same thought this morning. Where the hell’s the NCAA?

  4. the professor Says:

    Does Pennsylvania law not claim sovereign immunity to exempt itself and its agencies, of which Penn State is presumably one, from such lawsuits? This state more or less has to agree to let itself be sued, so plaintiffs generally try to go after any private contractors involved or occasionally public officials who can be shown to have acted outside the scope of their duties.

    A concern I have here is that the eyewitness, Mike McQueary, usually described as a mere “graduate assistant,” was in fact 28 years old at the time, and a big, tough man–and he is still working for Penn State, unbelievably enough. He and his lawyers have every reason to try to kick the responsibility up the food chain. Paterno and the administrators should absolutely not get a pass here, but there is a great deal of difference between someone flatly telling his boss “I just saw ex-coach X butt-fucking a ten year old on school property,” and “Um Coach, I saw something a little suspicious last night, ex-Coach X seemed to be messing around with a little kid in a way that made me uncomfortable.”

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