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Who shall chair our committee investigating…

… corruption and criminality at Penn State? Hm.

Should be a person above reproach, of course, associated with only the highest business practices…

I know!

The CEO of Merck!

Penn State scores another touchdown.


UD thanks Roy.

Margaret Soltan, November 11, 2011 1:52PM
Posted in: screwed

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5 Responses to “Who shall chair our committee investigating…”

  1. Digger Says:

    I just heard that on NPR… it’s the perfect collision! The university de-mystifies -itself-…

  2. the professor Says:

    A drug company run by a lawyer.

    Is this a great country or what?

  3. Mike S. Says:

    @the professor
    Of course, b/c lawyers know everything there is to know about drug development!
    If you haven’t read these articles on this very subject, you might find them interesting, or maybe just disheartening:

    “You would think (or at least hope) that pharma would learn its lesson from other industries. Remember John Sculley? He ran Pepsi until he was brought in by Steve Jobs to run Apple in 1983. In ten years of running the company Sculley increased sales from $800M to $8B. Great, except that he fired Steve Jobs and nearly destroyed the company. Like today’s pharma CEOs, he knew a lot about selling but not much about what he was selling. ”

    And really, who has time to investigate the scandal at Penn State while working full time as a big pharma CEO? Absurd on its face.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    All of the best yumminess rolled into one.

  5. University Diaries » Merck State Says:

    […] has already noted the cynicism of Penn State appointing the CEO of Merck – a particularly repellent pharma […]

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