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The main thing I want to say…

… about where I’m sitting right now – a balcony high up in the red rocks, a full moon rising, the sky a cloudless blue over the reds, church bells ringing through the hills (it just turned five o’clock), and the setting sun shedding light and shade through all the outcroppings – is that it keeps bringing me to tears.


Another thing: Les UDs thank UD reader Bill R. for his recommendation that they drive to Sedona via Payson. How right you were.

Margaret Soltan, January 6, 2012 7:26PM
Posted in: snapshots from sedona

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4 Responses to “The main thing I want to say…”

  1. Bill R Says:

    I’m glad the Payson route worked out.

    I originally wrote that when you finally got to Sedona, it would bring tears to your eyes. I cut that because I feared the Scathing Online Schoolmarm and her scorn for cliches.

    Anyway, it’s better you found it for yourself.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I’m still tearing up, and it’s too dark to see anything but the outline of the rocks…

  3. cloudminder Says:

    Dipping feet into the foam of the Pacific Ocean tends to produce giggles, guaranteed if you are on a CA beach.
    18 ft high waves at Mavericks-which hasn’t opened yet- does Mr UD surf? tee-hee
    Dungeness crab.
    You’ve already flown most of the way…
    btw was gonna warn you ’bout the turbulence always in four corners SW area..but you managed fine. Thank You Jesus, or was it Thank God?

  4. University Diaries » “In Sedona, at a time before it became a popular destination, they confronted lizards, scorpions and snakes and basked in the town’s ‘landscape of wild fantasy,’ as she wrote in her autobiography.” Says:

    […] to follow, in the wake of Dorothea Tanning’s death, her life. What a pleasure, having just returned from that same landscape, to bask in photographs of Tanning and her husband Max Ernst in […]

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