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“[A] peer-reviewed survey in the journal Perfusion showed that 55% of cardiac bypass equipment technicians talked on their cell phones during a cardiac procedure.”

No comment. Just wanted to put that out there.

Margaret Soltan, February 1, 2012 5:58PM
Posted in: technolust

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4 Responses to ““[A] peer-reviewed survey in the journal Perfusion showed that 55% of cardiac bypass equipment technicians talked on their cell phones during a cardiac procedure.””

  1. francofou Says:

    Thank heavens they weren’t driving; they coulda hurt somebody.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    francofou: lol.

  3. ricki Says:

    Uh, do they scrub up their cell phones before bringing them into the OR? I’ve seen stories recently about the number of people who talk/text while on the toilet..

  4. JND Says:

    My so-called physician made three cell phone calls and took one land-line call during my stress test.

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