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Indiana Jones and the Adjunct Professor of Law.

Who wins? Nice plot twist: The professor!

Margaret Soltan, February 3, 2012 9:32AM
Posted in: hoax, professors

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6 Responses to “Indiana Jones and the Adjunct Professor of Law.”

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    How freaking bizarre is this . . . remember Bishop Eddie Long, the megachurch pastor and (alleged) seducer of young men? Just this morning CNN reports

    “Long was wrapped in a ‘Holocaust Torah’ and crowned a king during a recent Sunday ceremony at New Birth Missionary Church, his suburban Atlanta congregation. . . . Messer said during the ceremony that the Torah was a ‘priceless’ 312-year-old scroll that had been recovered from the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II.”

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dave: Sometimes things really go over the top.

  3. Dave Stone Says:

    I did a quick check to see if Messer happened to get his “Holocaust Torah” from our friend Rabbi Youlus, but had no luck.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    That thought occurred to me, Dave.

  5. Crimson05er Says:

    I was wondering about the follow up when the Youlus story broke last year. Thank you for posting this. Most interesting.

    Also, the perfect excuse to re-post a link to one of the all-time great pieces of academic tenure review-themed humor:

    My favorite is the section under “Meets professional standards of conduct in research and professional activities of the discipline”:

    “I find it pertinent to note that Dr. Jones has been romantically linked to countless women of questionable character, an attribute very unbecoming of a Marshall College professor. One of these women was identified as a notorious nightclub singer whose heart he attempted to extract with his hands, and whom he then tried, and failed, to lower into a lake of magma. “

  6. Crimson05er Says:

    Whoops, here’s the link:


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