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“Entertaining the public, if the public desires to be entertained, is a legitimate role for a public university.”

UD reads these so you don’t have to.

UD reads the mainly indignant but occasionally explanatory (see this post’s headline) comments from University of Kentucky fans in response to an article that notes a faculty group’s objection to Kentucky’s basketball schedule. The notorious John Calipari’s insistence on “neutral sites” for games means “a geographic separation of entities which already can have a tenuous coexistence: athletic programs and the student body/campus community.”

In short, who gives a shit whether his team’s games have anything to do with whatever sports factory gives them a home? These are NBA men, not wussy college boys. As for that faculty group…

…who gives a rats opposite end orafice…They can say what they want…and make all the accusations they want…

I think he means Orafix.

Maybe what they ought to do…is have no college sports at all…maybe that would thrill the no life, calculus formula discussing intellects of the ever so popular and important entity as the faculty coalition….

Calculus formula discussing is nifty.

Most students take five years to move from academia to their chosen profession. We should celebrate those that are gifted enough to do it in one.

But they can do it in zero! We should celebrate that by shutting down Kentucky basketball.

Margaret Soltan, May 24, 2012 2:40PM
Posted in: Sport, sport

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2 Responses to ““Entertaining the public, if the public desires to be entertained, is a legitimate role for a public university.””

  1. MattF Says:

    My name is MattF and I’m a calculus formula discusser.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Hi MattF. My name is Margaret Soltan and I’m poetic stress counter.

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