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“College football is just minor league football where everyone is cheating to some degree and where there are constant problems with academic fraud, crime, drugs, and thefts.”

Nice summary of the situation in the comments section of yet another article anticipating the next big gross college sports story – academic fraud at the once-respectable University of North Carolina.

If not for Penn State, you would be sick of hearing about North Carolina by now.

As the details emerge, you’ll get sick of hearing about it right quick.

Margaret Soltan, July 29, 2012 11:48AM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to ““College football is just minor league football where everyone is cheating to some degree and where there are constant problems with academic fraud, crime, drugs, and thefts.””

  1. Mr Punch Says:

    This is not the first such scandal around UNC football. There was a big stink back around 1980 over the admission of a star player named Amos Lawrence. The faculty was quite upset; I’m sure everyone said they were sorry and it wouldn’t happen again, much.

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