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Here’s a lurid one for you.

There’s not much information yet, but it sounds as though UCLA has a problem on its hands. I’m going to search for more on this story, but I’ll link you to this much now.


Details of the allegations.


The guy being sued (along with UCLA) directs the university’s anxiety disorders program. Here’s its home page.

Nobody asked me, but if anybody had asked me, I’d say that an image that takes you down a path to a deep ocean probably isn’t ideal for a psychiatric disorders page.


Seven minutes ago, ABC picked up on the story. More details.


Experts said the case would be divided into two issues — the standard of care provided and ethical considerations involved in soliciting donations from a patient [Alexander Bystritsky is accused of having come after the family for research money while at the same time treating Harvey].

If true, “It would be a horrible indictment of the fund raising efforts of UCLA,” said Donna Darling, a former New York assistant district attorney who now represents plaintiffs in medical malpractice suits. “They should have known she was a patient.”

Margaret Soltan, August 4, 2012 10:23AM
Posted in: professors

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2 Responses to “Here’s a lurid one for you.”

  1. adam Says:

    A shrink known as Alex Bystritsky
    Used drugs that he well knew were risky.
    When his star patient died
    Then her family cried
    We’ll sue you and you’re in deep shitsky.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    EXCELLENT, adam.

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