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‘UM’s chief financial officer, Joe Natoli, and board member Norman Braman have said there were no inventory controls at the cancer pharmacy to keep track of supplies.’

University of Miami. President: Donna Shalala. Search her name on this blog and ask yourself: Why is this person still the president of a university?

Margaret Soltan, August 7, 2012 8:39AM
Posted in: the university

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4 Responses to “‘UM’s chief financial officer, Joe Natoli, and board member Norman Braman have said there were no inventory controls at the cancer pharmacy to keep track of supplies.’”

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    We should go easy on the University of Miami. It’s not as though there have been widely-reported cases of massive fraud involving expensive chemotherapy drugs.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Yick. Wonder what the university did with his donations – did they have to sandblast his name off of a building?

  3. Dave Stone Says:

    Oh, it’s worse than that. He diluted the chemotherapy drugs in part so he could make a big donation to his church.

  4. AJ Says:

    That question is so easy to answer: she knows too much of too many.

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