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bUTtchugg chronicles

The University of Tennessee would dearly love to pull the tubing out of the alcohol enema story, but, like Franzia wine over-topping your sphincter, it just keeps circulating. The frat what done it has been suspended (temporarily; anal-opening-awareness workshops are doubtless in the works), but, despite national news coverage that won’t quit, UT’s president seems disinclined to say anything public about the brothers giving each other enemas.

Margaret Soltan, October 1, 2012 4:10PM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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4 Responses to “bUTtchugg chronicles”

  1. Jeremy Bangs Says:

    “Taking Student Retention Seriously” (an article by Vincent Tinto,Syracuse University)
    “Many colleges speak of the importance of increasing student retention. Indeed, quite a few invest substantial resources in programs designed to achieve that end. Some institutions even hire consultants who promise a proven formula for successful retention. … “

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jeremy: The incident gives those words a fresh spin…

  3. Ani Says:

    If you have not seen it, watch this: http://www.outkickthecoverage.com/tennessee-fraternity-denies-buttchugging-charge-in-press-conference-that-really-happened.php

    The videos and police report defy description.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Ani: I’m watching it as I write this comment. Wow.

    There are so many reasons to be proud of attending/teaching at UT today.

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