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Jane Goodall Plagiarizes, and UD Immediately Starts Looking for Headlines…

… with good puns in them.

The story is so new that only this one has so far emerged:

Jane Goodall is Sorry for Monkeying Around Proper Attribution in New Book

Which is lame.

So… Can we do better? Monkey. Chimp. Goodall. Primatologist. Must be something here.




Yeah. Still lame.


Totally predictable lame puns on the book title starting to appear:

Jane Goodall: Seeds of Plagiarism


… How about:

ME: Tarzan.
YOU: Plagiarist.

Margaret Soltan, March 21, 2013 12:14PM
Posted in: plagiarism

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13 Responses to “Jane Goodall Plagiarizes, and UD Immediately Starts Looking for Headlines…”

  1. Alan Allport Says:

    Cor, what a cheeta!

  2. MattF Says:

    Not a pun, but noting this:


    we have

    Jane and Tarzan sittin’ in a tree

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Alan, Matt: Excellent!

  4. Dave Stone Says:

    The chimpanzee but not the gorilla
    Requires more than just a scintilla
    Of original prose
    Or else (heaven knows)
    One’s best-sellers become quite vanilla.

  5. Dave Stone Says:

    Uh-oh. I can feel my compulsion kicking in . . .

    Oh, it’s a “howler” that I “monkey around”
    And was “aping” books lying around.
    The jokes just write themselves
    By tens and by twelves.
    Should have studied the mundane basset hound.

    Alas, now will my critics impugn!
    I knew it was wrong to festoon
    Books with phrases indebted
    To others less feted.
    It makes me look like a real . . . . . . . buffoon.

  6. margaret soltan Says:

    Dave: You’re on a roll. I’m going to try my hand at one or two of these. UD

  7. Jim R Says:

    Rumbled in the jungle?

  8. Jack/OH Says:

    Jane is a Cheetah.

  9. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jim R: Good one. I was playing around with jungle too.

  10. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jack/OH: Yes – the cheetah meme is making the rounds…

  11. Jeremy Bangs Says:

    Monkey see, monkey do.
    If you can write it, I can, too.

  12. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Jeremy: Cute.

  13. Jack/OH Says:

    Oops, missed Alan’s. Jane’s aper caper’s a book rook.

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