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“I’m interested in how groups of people interact in a continuous environment like a town.”

James Barseness, an art professor at the University of Georgia, interacted with one of his students in a town in Costa Rica – during a UGA study abroad thingie – and is in the process of losing his job because of it. Sex with students is one thing; sex in public, in front of other students, is another.

“You are charged specifically with engaging in sexual activity with an undergraduate student … under your supervision in a public area during the Costa Rica 2012 Maymester study abroad program held on the UGA Costa Rica campus. This sexual encounter was witnessed by students and caused substantial disruption in the program,” Mick wrote in a February letter to Barsness. “You later told (the student) that she should not tell anyone about the sexual encounter and you were going to deny that it occurred so that you would not lose your job.”

Margaret Soltan, April 10, 2013 10:45AM
Posted in: professors

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3 Responses to ““I’m interested in how groups of people interact in a continuous environment like a town.””

  1. Dave Stone Says:

    It’s not limerick-worthy, but if I were into juvenile humor I’d point out how “Barsness” looks a lot like “bare-assness.”

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I was working on “baseness.”

  3. University Diaries » Finally, an answer to the question: How do you lose tenure? Says:

    […] Background here. […]

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