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“Some people have called for the removal of the (usually purely formal) power to name professors, which dates back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from the head of state.”

Er, yes. And this is why: Say your president really doesn’t like homosexuals. Really doesn’t want to appoint them professors. Your university puts a gay man up for an appointment and the president says fuck that. And if the guy doesn’t like what I’ve done, he can take me to court.

This is not very becoming. You should probably be able to do something about it, so that your country, the Czech Republic, does not become a laughingstock. Much as we all respect the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it’s probably time to review your laws dating back to it.

Margaret Soltan, May 20, 2013 9:23AM
Posted in: foreign universities

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3 Responses to ““Some people have called for the removal of the (usually purely formal) power to name professors, which dates back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from the head of state.””

  1. Mr Punch Says:

    It’s not as though the Czechs were particularly enthusiastic about being part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Mr Punch: Exactly the thought I had. This might be a great time for them to consider striking out on their own.

  3. DM Says:

    Technically, in France, associate/full professors at universities and some other higher education establishments are appointed by the Head of State.

    I’m however unsure whether he or she has any say in the matter and can legally decline to make the appointment. I’ve never heard of such a thing.

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