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“The bank event was held under heavy security, and sniffer dogs checked the stage repeatedly.”

Yes well there was ol’ UD yesterday afternoon walking in the rain to her class at 1776 G St (finally an address UD can remember). Right hand, umbrella; left hand an Urban Outfitters bag in which lay the MacBook Air GW just gave her and fifteen blue books (midterm). As she passed the World Bank, the loudest, most armored-car-strewn security operation she’d ever seen – and you see them all the time in Foggy Bottom – came blaring out of the Bank and onto the street. A staggeringly enormous black vehicle led the parade, flanked by nervous guys on triple-wide scooters and then sidewalks full of men whispering into phones. Pretty much all of us stopped to gawk. Even the veterans among us found this display noteworthy.

It was Malala. When the Taliban’s itching to put another bullet in your brain, this is how you go home after you give a speech.

Margaret Soltan, October 12, 2013 10:03AM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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2 Responses to ““The bank event was held under heavy security, and sniffer dogs checked the stage repeatedly.””

  1. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    I get why you would remember 1776. After all, as a former undergrad history major, and current Masters candidate in liberal studies with a history concentration, that seems pretty easy to remember. But G Street? You aren’t thinking, subconsciously of course, G String, or are you?

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Van: I think I’m just adding “Gee” (as in wow) to it.

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