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Telescope by the Sea

Les UDs arrived at the beach in time to see the end of the boardwalk costume parade (the dog parade is tomorrow). As always, UD found inexplicably moving a foreground of goblins, a background of ocean. All on an astoundingly sunny and clear October day.


This is our sitting room, complete with a telescope we’re a little afraid to use. None of us knows quite what to do with it. But we are going to give it a whirl as soon as it gets dark. The night sky should be full of stars.

Margaret Soltan, October 26, 2013 3:54PM
Posted in: beach blogging

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2 Responses to “Telescope by the Sea”

  1. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    Well, if your blogpal, Edward Frenkel, was sunbathing on the beach, that would be one use for the telescope.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Van: Funny!

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