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Madwoman with a Laptop…

… is a great blog written by someone rather like UD – a Washington-area English professor. Marilee Lindemann was in the audience last night at UD‘s MLA panel and afterwards we got to talking. She lives in Garrett Park’s sister city, Takoma Park (both are Nuclear Free Zones) and teaches at the University of Maryland, where Mr UD (himself just back from a conference in New Orleans, where he talked about civic studies) teaches. So they had a lot to talk about, and it was a pleasure.

Altogether, the small tight nuclear Les UDs unit has been out and about lately – La Kid is here in Chicago with UD (she spent time yesterday with friends in Ukrainian Village), and Mr UD is just back in Garrett Park from the “almost uncomfortably hot” streets of New Orleans.

Margaret Soltan, January 12, 2014 12:50PM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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2 Responses to “Madwoman with a Laptop…”

  1. Madwoman with a Laptop Says:

    Thanks for this lovely shout-out, UD. It was indeed a pleasure to connect with you in what the cool kids call meat-space. We’ll have to get together for coffee or some other beverage in one of our Nuclear Free Zones at some point. In the meantime, thanks for telling it like it is in madcap world of academe these days. You inspire and instruct and call spades spades. There is no higher calling.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Madwoman: Thanks for the kind words! I propose lunch at Black Market Bistro, just down the street from my house, as soon as beginning of semester craziness calms down. Let’s email each other about it. UD

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