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“The blame in all of this, including the recent scandal at UNC, lies not with the athletes, but with faculty members, department heads, and athletic departments…”

A retired professor from way down south testifies.

Margaret Soltan, May 23, 2014 7:00AM
Posted in: sport

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3 Responses to ““The blame in all of this, including the recent scandal at UNC, lies not with the athletes, but with faculty members, department heads, and athletic departments…””

  1. John Says:

    I wish that people with these experiences would speak up and name themselves and the universities where they occurred. we can’t win this anonymously.

  2. Jack/OH Says:

    I read the retired prof’s statement. Awful. Anyone who’s labored in a corrupt workplace knows the drill. You think you’re doing your job okay. Then something tips you off that there are some secret rules you hadn’t known about. Discombobulation; vertigo. Fear. Keep your mouth shut. Think of your family. It’s not such a big deal. Play ball.

  3. Jack/OH Says:

    John–whistleblowing’s tough. See Web references to Harry Markopolos, the guy who tried to blow the whistle on the Madoff Ponzi scheme. The authorities, as he found out, are complicit, either as principals, or, more likely, as knowing enablers.

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