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“[Florida State University] is reaching the point at which this level of thug-like behavior can’t be washed away by hoisting championship trophies.”

Apparently this local columnist believes that “Winning doesn’t trump players abusing women,” and he’s issuing a warning to FSU about it. Basically he’s saying that, sure, one or two woman batterers in the space of a couple of seasons is fine with fans as long as those are winning seasons; but two in two days… plus Jameis Winston… well, FSU had better watch out because…

Because what? FSU fans will never reach the too-much-thuggishness level. Look at the history of that school. Thugs galore. Do you notice any effect? If anything, thugs on the team excite the fans to ever greater orgasm. Hit ‘er hard and hit ‘er again! Show the world that we’re gonna win! Every time one of these guys coldcocks a woman, a fan-generated petition appears demanding that she go to jail and he be given the keys to the city or whatever. These petitions attract thousands of signatures.

The columnist consults an expert in men who punch women in bars.

“This is really antisocial, criminal behavior that isn’t normal. This is way out of bounds,” said Jacksonville attorney Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a Title IX and women’s advocate. “It makes you wonder what kind of environment you have that allows these kids to think that’s OK.

“If a team thinks it can act with impunity and the most powerful man in Tallahassee [Coach Jimbo Fisher] will support them, then you’re probably going to get more of it.”

This is what enhances the sexual excitement. The most powerful players for the most powerful man in Tallahassee! How do you display that power? You do what you want. You get away with it. It’s like your local drug god in Oaxaca. It’s not enough that everyone knows he runs the city. He has to show that he and his team run the city. The special masochistic thrill at the display of your captive status in regard to the most powerful man in town is the most exciting thing you’re ever going to feel in your life. The FSU community is clearly demanding regular punishment, and Jimbo’s more than willing to give it to them.

Every FSU fan adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.

To paraphrase Sylvia Plath. Hogshead-Makar says it “isn’t normal,” but we’re being awfully judgmental there. Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto, said Terence, and UD thinks we do well to start with that if we seek to understand the reality on the ground in places like Tallahassee. Hell, in places all over America, as our homegrown Mussolini swaggers across the continent gathering presidential votes. You don’t have to watch a Chevy go airborne and plow into fans to know that that’s why they came to the track.

Read Crash and learn. You won’t be surprised when the next FSU player crashes into a woman.


Spare a thought, by the way, for the players. Powerful, yes, but not as powerful as the coach. In fact, they’re playing out their own Story of O:

One of [my FSU colleague] Derek’s better-adjusted athletes said it wasn’t the practices or the physical abuse that bothered him, but how the coaches force-fed him and his teammates. “They watch me clean the plate,” the player told Derek. “‘You let that settle and then go lift.'” That’s in addition to the supervised supplement-swallowing, the pills and powders of who the hell knows what. “He looks down at me, this monster man, this beast, and now he’s got kid eyes,” Derek tells me, “and he says to me: ‘Mister Derek, sometimes I’m not hungry anymore.'”

Margaret Soltan, July 12, 2015 4:37AM
Posted in: sport

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3 Responses to ““[Florida State University] is reaching the point at which this level of thug-like behavior can’t be washed away by hoisting championship trophies.””

  1. dmf Says:

    the ncaa coverage needs its own hunter s. thompson, shared this w/

  2. Mr Punch Says:

    This is what happens when a women’s college goes coed, I guess.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Mr Punch: I’m not seeing the same problems at Vassar.

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