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“The suit alleges that the publication of the book alleging that Powell provided prostitutes for U of L basketball players and recruits violates [UL student Kyle] Hornback’s contract with U of L, to which she promised to pay tuition in exchange for an education.”

The eminently fuckable University of Louisville continues to thrill. The latest chapter in Whormitory Nights features a lawsuit against Katina Powell for writing that mean book.

The student would do better to direct her lawsuit against the UL trustees. They are the long-time proprietors of Mustang Ranch. And they’ve got far more money than that book’s ever going to make.


UD is told by reliable sources that a consortium of UL fraternities is planning to sue Andre McGee and Rick Pitino for copyright infringement.


UL’s in-dorm brothel contributes to the decline of an entire industry.

Today, pornography is free, and finding real people who are into exactly what you’re into has never been smoother. It’s not that we’re living in an unprecedentedly immoral age, but that we no longer need to drive to seedy brothels in rural counties to procure our poison.

Margaret Soltan, October 24, 2015 8:58AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to ““The suit alleges that the publication of the book alleging that Powell provided prostitutes for U of L basketball players and recruits violates [UL student Kyle] Hornback’s contract with U of L, to which she promised to pay tuition in exchange for an education.””

  1. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    UD: What did you think of the Nobel Prize in literature selection this year?

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Van: I’ve only skimmed Alexievich’s book on Chernobyl. It’s very compelling testimony. Since it’s translated, I don’t have a good sense of its literary quality. As I understand it, the material has been shaped and styled, in various ways, by the author… I guess I’m thinking along the lines of something like John Hersey’s book on Hiroshima as a similar sort of thing… In any case, I’m not up to speed enough on Alexievich to have a real opinion.

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