Free Harvard/Fair Harvard
Their innocent title is
We know how vital is
Beating them down!
They want to make Harvard
Completely tuition-free
Since it’s got $40b
Sitting around …
“These devilish horses
Diminish our resources!”
Warns the director
Of financial aid.
“Our 39 billion
Will tumble to 30
If we should succumb to this
This villainous raid.”
“Fair Harvard/Free Harvard!
You’re all just like Bernie!
Expect our attorney
To sue you but good.”
March 14th, 2016 at 1:57PM
““If Harvard eliminated tuition, very quickly almost everyone in America would know about it, and a lot of less affluent families…would suddenly consider Harvard for the first time,” Unz said.”
But even if this is true, the number of people benefiting from “the Harvard experience” would be strictly limited to a very small % of the population, based on whatever criteria the admissions people there think wise.
If Harvard really believes that their education is superior…actually superior, not faux superiority created by scarcity value…then why not use part of their $$$ to create multiple Harvards, scattered around the country, and allow 10X the number of people to obtain these benefits? There are certainly sufficient potential faculty members for a 10X expansion (decentralized) while maintaining or maybe even improving quality…maybe not 100X, but surely 10X…..
March 14th, 2016 at 4:40PM
People really don’t grasp the distinction between stocks and flows, do they?
March 14th, 2016 at 5:21PM
Mr Punch: That’s but a trifle here.