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Headline of the Day: “A Baylor Football Player was Filmed Abusing his Dog. He’s Still Practicing.”

Pledges to Coach and Fans that He’ll Get Better at It.

Ah Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor.

Ah Waco Waco Waco Waco.

That university. That town. A very American crossroads.

I’d turn some of this into a song, but at the moment I’m exhausted from mowing my lawn in hellish heat.

Margaret Soltan, August 19, 2016 3:07PM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Headline of the Day: “A Baylor Football Player was Filmed Abusing his Dog. He’s Still Practicing.””

  1. john Says:

    Baylor’s a lot more diligent on dog beatings than rapes.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    john: The other stuff is just women.

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