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Les UDs finally did some spring cleaning in a messy little closet they almost never open…

… and they found this,

with two long dusty cords
dangling out of it.

I’m thinking Margaret and Munro Leaf
had it installed around 1965.

Margaret Soltan, May 2, 2018 4:29PM
Posted in: snapshots from home

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3 Responses to “Les UDs finally did some spring cleaning in a messy little closet they almost never open…”

  1. Polish Peter Says:

    At one time, there was a very tall TV antenna on the roof of your house, with a motor at its base. Using this dial, the antenna could be rotated so that it could be aligned optimally to receive TV signals from distant cities. We had one of these in northeast Philadelphia so we could get TV from … New York. But after a highway was built next to our house in the late 1960s, it didn’t work very well, and we realized that TV from New York was no better than the local Philadelphia TV.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Polish Peter: I was hoping someone with knowledge of this sort of thing would comment! I went online and found virtually nothing – it’s all clearly the very distant past. UD

  3. Jon Says:

    Whoa! My parents had one of these when I was a kid. Yes, it supposedly enabled one to pick up broadcasts from areas adjacent to one’s own. Perhaps the Leafs were trying to get TV from Baltimore.

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