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‘There isn’t an abomination award going that you haven’t won.’

George, in UD‘s favorite play, is famous for having said this to Martha; but I think it does as well for the gathering storm that is Philip Esformes – a man who seems never to have seen a code law or rule he didn’t try to break.

Margaret Soltan, March 19, 2019 12:24PM
Posted in: merchandise

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8 Responses to “‘There isn’t an abomination award going that you haven’t won.’”

  1. Bill Radigan Says:

    Slightly off topic but a prominent character in the story is Virginia Woolf


  2. charlie Says:

    This admissions scandal might be a money laundering scheme in which unis, which are non-profits, are profoundly involved.

    And, it’s getting darker. It seems Olivia Jade, the USC student who was the poster child of all this corruption, was yachting with USC’s Board of Trustees’ Chairman Rick Caruso over spring break. Olivia wasn’t alone, a few other coeds were also on board. How do teenage girls end up on board the yacht of a billionaire?

  3. Ravi Narasimhan Says:

    Friend of Caruso’s daughter.

  4. charlie Says:

    If the girl’s family is friends with the BOT Chairman, why’s she paying a 1/2 million bribe to get admitted to SC? Couple phone calls and it’s done…

  5. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Bill: Virginia Woolf in blackface! I had no idea – many thanks for the link. Details. UD

  6. Margaret Soltan Says:

    charlie: Does sound a little Jeffrey Epsteinish.

  7. charlie Says:

    UD, exactamundo….

  8. Ravi Narasimhan Says:

    The BoT Chairman’s kid will have many friends. He can’t muster them all in based on phone calls. I’m sure he has his own thresholds to meet his give/get obligations – perhaps an endowed department or professional school, a major building, or something else far in excess of $500K.

    In LA wealthy parents spend huge sums to get their kids a college scholarship that they could otherwise easily afford so they can boast of Division 1 athletes in the family.

    Besides, there’s also the joy of grift for its own sake, gentleman thievery/society burglary a la Raffles.

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