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Bloodbath and Beyond

Seem to be up to around twenty in today’s butchery in El Paso. Could we at least begin to agree that since shooting up public spaces has become a rite of passage for remarkable numbers of attention-seeking young men, we must stop recording the killers’ names and photos and manifestos? If they’re at large, tell us who they are and what they look like so we can protect ourselves; if they’re dead or arrested, move on.

Margaret Soltan, August 3, 2019 5:12PM
Posted in: guns

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2 Responses to “Bloodbath and Beyond”

  1. Matt McKeon Says:

    Since large parts of the country seem to be in denial about why these men are shooting who they are shooting, there has to be some discussion of their motivations.

    hint: it isn’t video games.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Matt: Discussion by all means. Just no scrutinizing/publishing their words.

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