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The Pride of Arizona State University…

… the hero whose hero page will never be taken down because he’s SUCH a hero, seems to have assaulted his way out of a professional career. I guess ASU liked being assaulted when Vontaze was a (cough) student there. It certainly continues to celebrate and boast about its close association with a notoriously violent asshole. Turns out, however, that the NFL does have some limits when it comes to truly crazy shits in the league.

Not that it doesn’t love them! It does love them, and it gives them lots of money and makes them team captains (Vontaze was a team captain!). Fans adore them; they’re paying for the big hits. But things are getting so wussy out there, with concussion bs and all, and the teams are under incredible pressure to suspend (Vontaze is ALWAYS being suspended) and even dismiss people like Vontaze.

Margaret Soltan, October 10, 2019 3:44PM
Posted in: sport

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3 Responses to “The Pride of Arizona State University…”

  1. charlie Says:

    Are the guys who are profiled on this here site mentally/emotionally unhinged prior to becoming athletes, or did the game create these maniacs and imbeciles? I’m serious, if it hasn’t been studied, it needs to be. Despite falling participation, about a million high school players take the field each year. How many are damaged prior to suiting up, how many become damaged because they suit up??

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    charlie: I’ve wondered that too. Of course most guys who take the field are normal; but there’s no denying that the sport as such cultivates and hugely rewards monsters. Add to their monstrousness unremitting hits on their heads and a diet of steroids and other performance enhancers and you’re on your way to Richie Incognito.

  3. charlie Says:

    UD, it should be a mandatory part of a curriculum to work as a lab monkey in a chemistry/bio physics department. USAAmericans have no idea what synthetic chemicals do to living things. They would be a lot more circumspect of the drugs, steroids, et al, they ingest. Couple that with brain trauma inflicted with collision sports, I’m telling yazz, the brain’s architecture is altered. And so many kids are exposed to some horrific events prior to high school, yeah, there’s a growing population of badly damaged minds…

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