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‘”[W]e already have won it,” Trump said.’

Look, if this is the dude my fellow Americans want, okay.

I’ll cop to always having taken for granted the essential dignity and reliability of American democracy; I’ll admit it seems wrong to me that the president of the country is claiming he won an election that isn’t over yet — a claim that seems just fine with his millions of enthusiastic supporters. Okay.

After all, nowhere is it written that UD gets to spend her entire incredibly fortunate life in a fundamentally unimperiled democracy. Things have never really been bumpy for her in any way, and now they’re bumpy. Okay.

Margaret Soltan, November 4, 2020 3:25AM
Posted in: democracy

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2 Responses to “‘”[W]e already have won it,” Trump said.’”

  1. Stephen Karlson Says:

    “After all, nowhere is it written that UD gets to spend her entire incredibly fortunate life in a fundamentally unimperiled democracy.”

    Concur completely. Fasten those seat belts.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Stephen: Will do.

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