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The Gory that was Greeks

We’ll be seeing a lot of these valedictories: Bloomsburg University has just shut down its entire Greek system. Typical reason: A dead freshman and a big ol’ lawsuit.

Margaret Soltan, May 14, 2021 10:22AM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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4 Responses to “The Gory that was Greeks”

  1. Stephen Karlson Says:

    The fun is only beginning. The article quotes a student praising the social scene at Bloomsburg. In the face of a plan to consolidate three of the northeast Pennsylvania state colleges, what’s the Bloomsburg administration to do if closing Greek Row wrecks enrollments?

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Stephen: Oh, I think it will indeed have a terrible impact on enrollments – and university enrollments are supposed to tank everywhere pretty soon, according to projections. Given what’s happened at other schools, I expect Bloomsburg will stagger through this downturn until things pick up for colleges, at which point we’ll get a lot of language about how chastened and mature frats/sororities are in Our New World, and they’ll be reopened.

  3. Stephen Karlson Says:

    You’re more optimistic about the survival of all the colleges than I, UD. Maybe it’s all that time studying Rust Belt industries (electric, steel, automobiles, cement) and messing about with railroads that’s filled my mind (and my weblog) with ominous parallels!

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Stephen: Where I grew up, everyone worked for the federal government, which, as you know, never goes under. I’m aware this is an unusual institutional model…

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