Andrew Sullivan has done the talking for me on the subject. Read it all. To the last paragraph.
To expose propaganda is to defend liberal education, and to defend liberal culture. I’m thinking that like a lot of big shiny new things our big shiny new-obsessed country embraces, this latest one’s not long for this world. But we can certainly hasten its demise by fighting it at every turn.
June 18th, 2021 at 4:14PM
An excellent article, perhaps the start of the long-overdue analysis of CRT. It’s astounding that the CRT movement has gotten this far without serious challenge from all those who profess to believe in tolerance, open inquiry, and free speech. Thanks for the link.
June 18th, 2021 at 6:21PM
Dennis: Fear is the great silencer.
June 18th, 2021 at 7:55PM
I believe many of our more state legislators, who also believe in free speech and…ah…tolerance, and uh…open inquiry? are currently passing laws forbidding it to be mentioned.
June 18th, 2021 at 8:12PM
Matt: Well yeah – but the fact that many of our state legislators are nuts doesn’t undercut Sullivan’s argument. Just adds to the unsavory people revolving around the issue.
June 18th, 2021 at 9:08PM
Its a ginned up “controversy” to rile up the base. Biden is too non threatening to be plausible as a communist agent, and the transgender bathroom thing is just too niche. So they going all out to defend our Heritage. Anything to avoid discussing anything that matters.
I teach high school history: when are the insidious agents of critical race theory coming to my district? Think of the children!
June 18th, 2021 at 9:49PM
Matt: Everything riles up the base. Mike Pence riles up the base. The base has political priapism.
CRT will rile up centrists – sensible Americans who don’t ordinarily get riled and who don’t like lies and coercion.
July 13th, 2022 at 2:16PM
CRT will not rile up centrists because they don’t read graduate school level legal theory that dates back to the early 1970’s. Indeed, centrists DON’T READ own kids’ text books, and likely did very little reading they were in college. I know, because I read everything I was assigned and kept getting asked by fellow students what was the reading assignments were. This is likely the reason they are centrists now.